The touch of a textile surface evokes sensations, memories and thoughts, the same ones that have guided the realisation of ‘Con-tatto’, a collection to be experienced in its materiality and sophistication through touch and the result of the encounter of textile art with the colours of nature: Alloro, Henné, Luna and Malto recall the afternoon, sunset, night and dawn. Their eternal return refers to a past that is capable of becoming present and future through contamination between disciplines, which in this case has seen techniques typically used in fashion applied to home textiles. Lastly, the word “Con tatto” is the leit motif which invites to weighing actions and words, to choose yarns and weaving, to seek the hidden truth invisible to most.
New Collection
Bedroom New Collection
New for this season, EDEN duvet cover is garment-dyed and CHARIS which presents a pleasant texture obtained by using the fil coupé technique. The bed is also dressed with new throws made with different tecniques: PEG features a macro black buttoned effect, MESH is decorated with an embossed macro net, GES is inspired by the elegant pinstripe fabric recreated with a chain pattern. Finally SCIA is a jaquard throw bold.
Table New Collection
Alongside the light and transparent abaca tablecloths, which this year present an ethereal floral pattern on LUS and a distinctive geometric motif on DRIVIO, the new tablecloth FLORIS in cotton and abaca features an embossed floral jaquard pattern. TRAMA is a tablecloth in pure linen with an over size, iridescent tartan pattern. CIUFFO placemats in linen and viscose present a jacquard pattern of parallel embossed lines, for a bold look and a contemporary texture.
Bath New Collection
The bathroom for the upcoming Fall Winter 2024 is coloured with the delicate hues of Malto and Hennè, both for CREL in linen crêpe and LIPE NEW with its three-dimensional texture.
Charis Mood
The MIX & MATCH concept is perfectly represented by this proposal. As in nature, the colours intertwine creating multiple effects.
Floris Mood
The combination of cotton and abaca fibres creates an embossed floral pattern, for a look that is shiny and matte at the same time. With its satin background and the sinuous ornamental decorative motif, FLORIS tablecloth is the perfect accessory for both traditional and contemporary looks
Drivio Table
A distinctive geometric pattern decorates the tablecloth: evenly distributed squares in two different colours overlap with other squares and disperse irregularly towards its edges.
Relax Mood
Inside the bathroom both the aesthetic harmony and the search for balanced shapes reflect our need for an inner balance. Space and time overlap, overcome by freedom.

Winter is in no hurry.
And, while waiting, I live my time.
I play with it, I dilate it,
In this lazy journey towards you.